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Tabs, Tab 用法


{{%/ tab name="python" /%}}

print("Hello World!")
{{%/ /tab /%}}

{{%/ tab name="R" /%}}

 print("Hello World!")
{{%/ /tab /%}}

{{%/ tab name="Bash" /%}}

echo "Hello World!"
{{%/ /tab /%}}


{{< tabs >}} {{% tab name="python" %}}

print("Hello World!")
{{% /tab %}} {{% tab name="R" %}}
> print("Hello World!")
{{% /tab %}} {{% tab name="Bash" %}}
echo "Hello World!"
{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabs >}}

{{< tabs >}} {{% tab name="MacOS" %}}


This is tab MacOS content.

Lorem markdownum insigne. Olympo signis Delphis! Retexi Nereius nova develat stringit, frustra Saturnius uteroque inter! {{% /tab %}}

{{% tab name="Linux" %}}


This is tab2 Linux content.[^example3]

Example text that may contain markdown markup.1

{{% tab name="Windows" %}}


This is tab Windows content.

Lorem markdownum insigne. Olympo signis Delphis! Retexi Nereius nova develat stringit, frustra Saturnius uteroque inter! {{% /tab %}} {{< /tabs >}}

  1. footnote within a hint. 

  2. footnote within a tab {{% /tab %}}