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pip install mkdocs-material

Admonitions 醒目提醒


類型 Code 注意
Note ??? note 內容起始為
Abstract ??? abstract 下一行開始,
Info ??? info 並且空4格
Tip ??? tip
Success ??? success
Question ??? question
Warning ??? warning
Failure ??? failure
Danger ??? danger
Bug ??? bug
Example ??? exanple
Quote ??? quote



inline Block

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.

!!! info inline end "Lorem ipsum"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla.
Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat
finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec
semper lorem quam in massa.
Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.

!!! info inline "Lorem ipsum"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla.
Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat
finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec
semper lorem quam in massa.



  - attr_list


[Subscribe to our newsletter](#){ .md-button }
Subscribe to our newsletter

Primary Buttons

[Subscribe to our newsletter](#){ .md-button .md-button--primary }
Subscribe to our newsletter

Button with icon

[Send :fontawesome-solid-paper-plane:](#){ .md-button }

Code Block


  - pymdownx.highlight:
      anchor_linenums: true
      line_spans: __span
      pygments_lang_class: true
  - pymdownx.inlinehilite
  - pymdownx.snippets
  - pymdownx.superfences
Code copy button¶
    - content.code.copy


code block

Add Title

```python title="My Title"

My Title

Adding line numbers

```python linenums="1"
Line1 1
Line1 2
Line1 3

 Line1 1
 Line1 2
 Line1 3

Highlighting specific lines

``` py hl_lines="2 3"
def bubble_sort(items):
for i in range(len(items)):
for j in range(len(items) - 1 - i):
if items[j] > items[j + 1]:
items[j], items[j + 1] = items[j + 1], items[j]

def bubble_sort(items):
    for i in range(len(items)):
        for j in range(len(items) - 1 - i):
            if items[j] > items[j + 1]:
                items[j], items[j + 1] = items[j + 1], items[j]

Content Tabs


  - pymdownx.superfences
  - pymdownx.tabbed:
      alternate_style: true 


=== "C"

    ``` c
    #include <stdio.h>

    int main(void) {
      printf("Hello world!\n");
      return 0;

=== "C++"

    ``` c++
    #include <iostream>

    int main(void) {
      std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
      return 0;
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
  printf("Hello world!\n");
  return 0;
#include <iostream>

int main(void) {
  std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
  return 0;



  - tables


| AA | BB |  # 標題
|----|----|  # 格式
|aa  |bb  |  # 內容
|aaa |bbb |
aa bb
aaa bbb

對齊方式 在格式列

排列 格式
靠左 |:---|
置中 |:---:|
靠右 |---:|



  - footnotes


Lorem ipsum[^1] dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.[^2]
[^1]: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod
    nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor
    massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.

Lorem ipsum1 dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.2



  - pymdownx.critic
  - pymdownx.caret
  - pymdownx.keys
  - pymdownx.mark
  - pymdownx.tilde



紅底刪除線 : {- -刪除線- -}
綠底加底線 : {++綠底加底線++}
前面刪除線 後面綠底新增文字 : {~~前面刪除線~>後面綠底新增文字~~}
藍底凸顯文字段落 : {==藍底凸顯文字段落==}


1. ==This was marked==
2. ^^This was inserted^^
3. ~~This was deleted~~
1. This was marked 2. This was inserted 3. This was deleted

Caret上標 & Tilde下標

- H~2~O
- A^T^A
- H2O





  - attr_list
  - md_in_html


<div class="grid cards" markdown>

- :fontawesome-brands-html5: __HTML__ for content and structure
- :fontawesome-brands-js: __JavaScript__ for interactivity
- :fontawesome-brands-css3: __CSS__ for text running out of boxes
- :fontawesome-brands-internet-explorer: __Internet Explorer__ ... huh?

  • HTML for content and structure
  • JavaScript for interactivity
  • CSS for text running out of boxes
  • Internet Explorer ... huh?



  - def_list
  - pymdownx.tasklist:
      custom_checkbox: true


- [x] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
- [ ] Vestibulum convallis sit amet nisi a tincidunt
    * [x] In hac habitasse platea dictumst
    * [x] In scelerisque nibh non dolor mollis congue sed et metus
    * [ ] Praesent sed risus massa
- [ ] Aenean pretium efficitur erat, donec pharetra, ligula non scelerisque 
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Vestibulum convallis sit amet nisi a tincidunt
    • In hac habitasse platea dictumst
    • In scelerisque nibh non dolor mollis congue sed et metus
    • Praesent sed risus massa
  • Aenean pretium efficitur erat, donec pharetra, ligula non scelerisque


使用 pygments



Option Type Default Description
css_class string 'highlight' Default class to apply to the wrapper element on code blocks. Other extensions can override this.
guess_lang bool False Guess what syntax language should be used if no language is specified. True for always, False for never, 'block' for block code only, and 'inline' for inline code only.
pygments_style string 'default' Set the Pygments' style to use. This really only has an effect when used with noclasses.
noclasses bool False This will cause the styles to directly be written to the tag's style attribute instead of requiring a stylesheet.
use_pygments bool True Controls whether Pygments (if available) is used to style the code, or if the code will just be escaped and prepped for a JavaScript syntax highlighter.
linenums bool None Enable line numbers globally for block code. This will be ignored for inline code. If set to False line numbers will be disabled globally and can not be turned on, not even per code block.
linenums_special int 1 Globally sets the specified nth lines' gutter with the class "special". This can be overridden in SuperFences per fence if desired.
linenums_style string 'table' Controls the output style when linenums are enabled. Supported styles are Pygments default table and inline, but also supported is the pymdown-extensions pymdownx-inline which provides a special inline mode, see Line Number Styles for more info.
linenums_class string 'linenums' Controls the name of the line number class when Pygments is not used.
extend_pygments_lang list [] A list of extended languages to add. See Extended Pygments Lexer Options for more info.
language_prefix string 'language-' Controls the prefix applied to the language class when Pygments is not used. By default, uses the HTML5 prefix of language-.
code_attr_on_pre bool False By default, the language class and all attributes added via the attr_list extension are attached to the <code> element. This forces them to be attached to the <pre> element.
auto_title bool False When using Pygments, for all code blocks generate a title header with the name of the lexer being used. The lexer name is pulled directly from Pygments and title cased appropriately.
auto_title_map dict {} A dictionary used to override certain titles returned by auto_title. Simply specify the title to override as the key and the desired title as the value.
line_spans string '' '' Controls the Pygments option of a similar name. If set to a nonempty string, e.g. foo, the formatter will wrap each output line in a tag with an id of foo-<code_block_number>-<line_number>.
anchor_linenums bool False Enables the Pygments option of a similar name. If set to True, will wrap line numbers in tags. Used in combination with linenums and line_anchors. If line_anchors is not configured, __codelineno will be assumed as the ID prefix.
line_anchors bool False Controls the Pygments option of a similar name. If set to a nonempty string, e.g. foo, the formatter will insert an anchor tag with an id (and name) of foo-<code_block_number>-<line_number>.
pygments_lang_class bool False If set to True, the language name used will be included as a class attached to the element with the associated language_prefix.

在 mkdocs.yml 設定

  - pymdownx.highlight:
      use_pygments: true     # 使用pygment 替程式碼上色
      noclasses: true        # 要指定style 就要讓 noclasses=true
      pygments_style: native # 
      guess_lang: true
      line_spans: __span
  - pymdownx.superfences:    # 使用 pymdownx.highlight 一定要有
      preserve_tabs: true

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

  2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.